Eco Leaders

Welcome to the 2023-2024 Aggie Village Eco Leader website, where you will find everything you need for the upcoming academic year. After logging in with your eID, please explore the meetings tab above to find the topics that will be discussed each week.  The weekly report tab is where you tell us what you have been up to during your 5 hours of engagement work. You will notice the weekly reports also have checkboxes with specific tasks and action items to be completed for each week. Your weekly reports are due each week by 3:30 pm on Wednesday.  Finally, below are the important dates you need to schedule your time as an Eco Leader around and make sure you are available if needed for volunteering/work.


Weekly discussion readings are due to your peers by Sunday midnight.


Important Dates:

Playing Carbon Countdown Game during meeting: April 3rd

Environmental Eats: April 10th

Eco Leader Independent Project Showcase: April 24th

Last Class Celebration: May 1st

Move-Out Donation Program: May 8-10th

Earth Day Festival: April 22nd

Sustainability Coordinator
Kirstie Tedrick
Assistant Director of Sustainability
Mary Liang